Texas Child Pornography 101

I’m betting that most of you have parents. And most of your parents owned a camera. And with that camera some of your parents took a picture of you sans clothing while you were young. Well, what makes that legal? Isn’t in a crime to possess naked pictures of kids? Could those photos be… child…

Texas Ag Bans Cocaine Energy D

The drug war is working so well we should consider expansion. Forget the salvia debate. Think broader. Why should we limit prohibitionist zealotry to actual drugs? If only we could expand the WOD to ban products named after street drugs. From the AG’s website: “Court prohibits the selling of a drink marketed as street drug…

Frank Crowley Courts Building

I had court in Dallas this morning. Like many mornings with court I didn’t eat breakfast at home. Luckily, Frank Crowley has a restaurant with breakfast served until 10:30. As a public service, and to fill space, here is a quick breakfast review. I ordered 2 eggs with 3 pieces of bacon, and a diet…

Dallas County Jail Inmate Look

Need to see if a friend or loved one is in the Dallas County Jail? Here is the Dallas County Jail Lookup. It’s like Facebook for inmates. You can search by name, bookin number, or criminal case number. Dallas has one of the worst jails in the country. It constantly fails inspection. If you do search and find…