Texas Court Affirms Divorce Decree Despite Wifes Challenges On Appeal

A recent ruling by the Fourteenth Court of Appeals upheld a trial court’s final divorce decree in favor of the husband. The case, originating from the 247th District Court in Harris County, Texas, involved a contentious appeal by the wife. She raised several issues, most notably challenging the husband’s expert witness. The wife argued that the expert,…

Applying the Due Process Clause of the Constitution to Electronic Court Hearings

With the passing of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the legal landscape in Texas has undergone significant transformations. Notably, there has been a marked increase in remote court hearings and adjudications, a trend that persists even as the threat of illness has diminished. The increase in the number and scope of remote proceedings has sparked…

The Texas Penal Code And Statute Of Limitations

Statutes of limitations are specific laws within the Texas Penal Code that detail how long the government has to bring charges against you. Understanding how statutes of limitations work is important, especially for those who have been charged for a crime based on conduct that occurred years ago, if at all. At Guest & Gray,…

What Are The Holley Factors In A Texas Parental Termination Case

In Texas a parent can have their rights terminated. Texas law allows a court to terminate a parent-child relationship only if the court finds clear and convincing evidence for one or more statutory grounds for termination and that termination is in the child’s best interest. TEX. FAM. CODE ANN. § 161.001 How does a court…

Is Being Named A Joint Managing Conservator The Same Thing As Having Joint Custody

A question we get asked frequently is whether a client or potential client can get “joint custody” of a child. The term “joint custody” is NOT a term that has legal significance under the Texas Family Code. The language in the family code that does use the word “joint” is “joint managing conservator,” and that…

Court Appointed Lawyer Considering Free World Lawyer 5 Steps Success

I used to take court appointments, and my first job out of law school was as a public defender. I’ve seen court appointed lawyers do amazing work and I’ve seen lawyers who dabble in criminal defense by getting on the wheel completely fuck up their client’s life. Lawyers are expensive, good lawyers more so, great…

Texas Ag Bans Cocaine Energy D

The drug war is working so well we should consider expansion. Forget the salvia debate. Think broader. Why should we limit prohibitionist zealotry to actual drugs? If only we could expand the WOD to ban products named after street drugs. From the AG’s website: “Court prohibits the selling of a drink marketed as street drug…

Frank Crowley Courts Building

I had court in Dallas this morning. Like many mornings with court I didn’t eat breakfast at home. Luckily, Frank Crowley has a restaurant with breakfast served until 10:30. As a public service, and to fill space, here is a quick breakfast review. I ordered 2 eggs with 3 pieces of bacon, and a diet…