Whats Law Texas Challenging Mediated Settlement Agreements

In Texas, if a mediated settlement agreement is properly executed you cannot challenge it.  Texas Family Code Section 153.0071(d) and (e) mandate that courts shall issue an order in compliance with a mediated settlement agreement.  This is why it is so important to have an attorney attend mediation with you.  You cannot go back after…

Difference Alleged Presumed Father

You may not think that this distinction is important, but in the world of family law it is imperative that you understand the difference.  It could be the difference between you actually being the father of a child in the eyes of the law as well as differing burdens of how to overcome that label…

Divorce Lawyer Will Call Back

Have you called your attorney multiple times to the point that you are tired of leaving a message?  Have you emailed your attorney only to find that it is a week later and you still have not received a response?  It is frustrating to have paid someone to communicate with you and represent you, yet…